
How to Improve Air Quality in the Office

Often, when we think about health and safety in the workplace, it’s easy to focus on more physical workplaces. However, the health and safety of office workers is just as important – and there are several things in the office that can impact this, from air quality to lighting and ventilation.

Air quality in the office can have a significant effect on employees. Studies have shown that bad quality air has a negative impact on concentration and productivity.

In addition, from a legal standpoint, the Approved Code of Practice establishes that indoor air quality should be as good as, if not better than, the air quality outside.

For these reasons, it is essential to ensure the air quality in your office is as good as it can be.

In this article, we’ll take you through some of the ways you can improve the air quality in your workspace, and the effects it could have on your employees.

Windows & Ventilation

One of the first and easiest ways you can improve air quality in your office is by opening the windows every so often, to ensure proper ventilation.

By opening the windows throughout the working day, you can promote the circulation of fresh air through the room, which prevents the air in your office from becoming stale.

Fresh air is proven to have several benefits, including decreased absenteeism, higher levels of satisfaction, and an overall better quality of sleep.

Proper ventilation can also help maintain an optimal temperature in the office, especially on a warm summer day, which can improve focus and productivity in employees. This also prevents employees from suffering any health issues such as heat stroke and exhaustion while at work.

Having windows and proper ventilation is a legal requirement in the UK, in accordance with the Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992 – see here.

Plants & Indoor Pollution

When improving air quality, it’s important to consider indoor pollution and levels of carbon dioxide in the air, and how you can negate this.

Studies have found that adding plants to an indoor space can help with indoor pollution, to a certain extent, depending on the types of plants used.

This is because plants can help remove carbon dioxide from the air, which is a pollutant that can be found in many indoor environments like offices.

It is clear, therefore, that having plants in an office can help improve the overall air quality for your employees.

In addition, plants always look good in an office environment, helping add a touch of nature to a space, which can boost mood and satisfaction in employees.

An increasing number of companies are adding plants into their workspaces, bringing the outdoors in and improving both the air quality and office decor at the same time.

It’s important to note that it might be worth researching which plant you’re going to introduce to your office space.

Firstly, different plants have different needs; whilst some may be low-maintenance and ideal for a busier office where they might be watered less, others need more in terms of both water and sunlight.

Secondly, different types of plants have different effects on the air quality, and they can remove different toxins in the air.

In addition, some plants can even help regulate the humidity in an office.

These are all things to consider, based on your office environment and what you’re looking to get out of your office plant.

By choosing the right plant, you’ll hopefully be able to get rid of some of the nasty things polluting the air in your office, helping you improve the overall air quality.


A significant factor which contributes to air quality in the office is humidity. If the levels are too low or too high, this can cause problems for employees.

Often, if humidity in an office is too low, it can cause employees to have difficulties with dry eyes, which can be made worse if they’re working in front of a screen all day. Low humidity can also affect people’s breathing and overall level of comfort.

If the humidity is too high, it can cause electronic items to develop issues with moisture. It can also make employees feel tired and fatigued, therefore negatively impacting their productivity.

The optimal level of humidity for an indoor space like an office is between 40% and 70%.

If the humidity in your office falls below 40%, you can increase it with the help of humidifiers. Conversely, if the humidity is over 70%, it can lead to issues with mould and condensation. If this is the case, dehumidifiers can be useful to help reduce humidity.

Air Vents

As well as windows, air vents are essential for having good air quality in offices.

When it’s the middle of winter and it’s far too cold to open the windows in your office, air vents can help fresh air circulate around your workspace.

Without the help of air vents, the air in offices can quickly become stale and polluted, which can have several negative effects on employees.

In fact, it has been proven that stale air for a longer period of time can lead to skin irritation, and at higher levels, even fatigue and headaches.

In addition, some employees may already have allergies or health conditions which make breathing in stale air even more dangerous.

This is why it’s essential to have fully functioning air vents in your office to improve the overall air quality.


Another aspect of maintaining a good air quality which some people forget is cleaning.

The quality of air in a space can very much depend on how clean that space is. For example, the presence of dust and mould – which tend to accumulate when cleaning is neglected – can negatively impact the air quality in an office.

Many people have allergies, which could flare up due to the bad air quality and dust in their office. In addition, bacteria and mould can affect people with breathing difficulties and compromised immune systems.

The air that people are breathing in should be clean – and, to ensure this is the case, the environment also has to be clean.


Alongside cleaning, the office has to be maintained. This can mean doing things like installing new carpets, for example, to ensure the environment is clean and there aren’t any trapped odours, dust or dirt from an old carpet.

In addition, maintaining office kitchens can play a big role in air quality and general hygiene in an office. This includes keeping fridges and cooking equipment clean.

Another important part of maintaining good air quality is ensuring that all the air vents in the office are working properly. As mentioned above, air vents help fresh air circulate around a room, and if they are not checked regularly, they can lose functionality, leading to stale air in the office.

Studies have shown that maintaining your office and keeping it clean and new can have a positive impact on employees, boosting productivity and focus.

The Importance of Good Air Quality

We understand that it can be difficult to keep on top of office cleaning and maintenance, and that maintaining a high standard of air quality can be time-consuming.

As we’ve established above, there are many factors which can affect the quality of air in your office. This being said, there are also several things you can do to help improve this, from adding more indoor plants, to cleaning and maintaining the space and providing proper ventilation.

It is important to remember, however, how much of a positive impact good air quality can have on employees. For example, improving your office’s air quality can help boost productivity and improve focus and concentration.

This is why maintaining a high standard of air quality in the office is essential for all companies.

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